Elliott's Photo Album

Thursday 9 August 2007

Wonderboy Vol. 2

Well folks, I hope nobody has been holding their breath... because volume 2 of Wonderboy has been some time in the making! Finally the truth about how the Pasha Bulka was removed from our shores.

Click to enlarge

My freeware license for Comiclife runs out in 3 days... so tune in next time to see if: 1) I was able to beat the system... 2) I registered my copy... or 3) I gave up and retired from comic making after 2 glorious issues ;o)


Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

The comic is brilliant, I am very impressed with all of it. Marianne x

Paul and Beth said...

Can't believe that I missed this post!!! ... mentioned to Kel that I was missing it and she said it was up!... Newcastle breathes a sigh of relief thanks to you Wonderboy!...

PS Inspired casting to have the chief playing the chief!