Elliott's Photo Album

Saturday 4 August 2007

Catchup on the week

There's been a lot to happen since last weekends post. Our week has been pretty busy. Grandma and Grandad (Angela and Paul) visited on Monday, and Nicole came around on Tuesday. We also had our walk with the Stockton Mum's and bubs on Tuesday, then on Thursday we had a GP appointment and on Friday we had morning tea with our antenatal class Mum's and bubs. A full week by anybody book!

Elliott has also had his first cold this week. Luckily for us it hasn't been too bad - on Sunday night he actually slept right through (only the second time ever!), perhaps because he was feeling a bit poorly. He had a pretty runny nose the next day, and that night he worked up quite a snore... to the point that Kel got up and repositioned his head. He's also had a cough that has persisted all week so on Thursday he went for a checkup (just to be sure he didn't have a chest infection). The doctor thought he was doing fine and just had a virus. He's continued to do well, although sadly there have been no repeat performances of the sleep through.

Elliott has also been enjoying standing up the last week or so (with our help, of course!). He gets such a chuffed look on his face that is so cute. Whenever he gets fussy when we're sitting him on our laps it's usually because he wants to be standing up. The other thing of note that Elliott has been doing is getting more and more vocal. He's most chatty just after he wakes up and his latest thing is to go "Ahhhh... ahhhh...ahhhh....etc..." at about two times per second for quite a while. He also lets out these gorgeous satisfied sighs.

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