Elliott's Photo Album

Tuesday 28 August 2007

Monday 27th August 2007

We had such a lovely day today ... we had a surprise visit from Grandad (Paul) which was really nice! Elliott was very happy to see him. Elliott tried a new food today too - carrot! He loved it (so far he has liked his vegies much more than fruit (although the fruit was quite tart!). He got quite a bit all over his face and in his hair, but enjoyed every minute of it!

Finally, a quick note about Elliott's new play habits ... he rather likes playing whilst using as little energy as possible - here he is sucking on one of his toys without using his hands!

P.S. We had the best night sleep last night for a LONG time! It was Elliott's first night in his own room (on his own) and he slept through from 7pm to 5:30am (no repeat show the following night!).

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