Elliott's Photo Album

Saturday 4 August 2007

In your own backyard

We've been in Shortand for about an year and a half now (and that's not including the year and a half we lived here previously), but it was only recently that we went and explored the wetlands project (which is literally just down the road). It's great! We went for a walk around there to check it out with Elliott, there's an information center, a cafe, plenty of picnic spots, and lots a little walking loops. The down side was that it costs $5 per adult (although it is a non-profit volunteer-based project)... but you can get a family pass for $7... bingo we thought but you need two kids to qualify as a family... we paid the $10 anyway and had a nice afternoon. For future reference, the you can visit the cafe for free and have a great view of the whole wetlands project.

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...

Sounds great guys... must check out that cafe... oh and the wetlands too!