Elliott's Photo Album

Sunday 12 August 2007

Visitors from the Apple Isle

This weekend we've been extra lucky because we've had Aunty Alison and Uncle James visiting from Tasmania! They actually arrived on Wednesday and we got to spend nearly all of Thursday together, Friday night and then Saturday lunchtime... before they had to fly off south again. On Thursday they came to Newcastle and Alison, Nicole, Mum, and Kel all spent the morning Wedding dress shopping (for Alison), and although they were a little cagey about the details they apparently had an informative and successful morning. So the rest of us will just have to wait and see what they came up with. James, Elliott and I just hung at the house chatting etc... (you know just guy stuff), actually Elliott slept the whole time. We all then met at Blue Water Pizza for lunch. This was Alison's when Alison first saw Elliott... and Elliott first saw Alison, they were both very pleased to see each other! We had a nice lunch (though poor Nicole was sick) and eventually headed back to our place for the afternoon.

Mum and Nicole went home but Alison and James stayed for dinner and got to witness the full afternoon routine. This included afternoon mealtime for Elliott, he's been having some baby rice cereal in the afternoons for about a week now, mainly because it will be reassuring for both of us if we have established him eating something other than breast milk before Kel starts her new job (only 4hrs/week-but I'll be with Elliott and to date my breast have been extremely unproductive). Anyway, it was great fun and Elliott is really starting to get the hang of it, although from any one spoonful only about 50% stays in his mouth on the first try. We also did bathtime and bedtime, so Alison and James got the full experience of our day to day lives. It was really nice to share it with them. Dan came over after Uni and we had some take-away Thai (from Top-thai).

On Friday evening we made the track down to Killarney Vale to visit Steve and Adel for Dinner. This was Elliott's first visit to their house which was an exciting event. The occasion was in aid of Alison and James' engagement (though they didn't realise until the cake came out with their names on it) and a good time was had by all . Garmey, Sue, Simon, Kate, Jasmin and Kerry were also there and it was really nice for Elliott to be able to meet everyone for the first time. It ended up being a bit of a stretch for him (we are still yet to master sleeping away from home) and he got pretty worked up for a while, but considering it was well past his bedtime he did marvelously well. It was a shame though, that he didn't get to have nurses and cuddles with everyone (next time we promise).

On Saturday we went back to the coast again, this time for a BBQ at Mum and Dad's (Nan and Pa's). It was a beautiful afternoon (it felt like spring had arrived, though there will probably be at least one more cold snap before it stays). Elliott was trialling his latest Tshirt "Give peas a chance", which Kel made using Adobe Illustrator (her first foray into computer graphics). The shirt was a big hit and we are already working on our own diet related catch phrases ("give peas a chance" came from somewhere else). It was great to just hang out with everyone. We spent a bit of time after lunch with Elliott playing on the new rug that Nan and Pa bought so he could play comfortably on the tiles. He was quite the entertainer and even came up with a new trick when he took his first sips out of his trainer cup. This is a revelation since we have failed at all attempts to get him to drink out of a bottle. Finally, the afternoon came to an end and we had to say goodbye.

Alison and James flew back to Tasmania this morning - it was such a nice visit and it won't be too long before we see them again. It was really nice to see Elliott spend time with his Aunty Alison and Uncle James, they're great with him, however if Elliott becomes a drummer we will be blaming his uncle James and he will have to help build a sound proof room (James discovered that Elliott loves it when you tap your knee to a beat).

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