Elliott's Photo Album

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Clinic visit 9th August 2007

So we're a little behind on the blogging ... we're yet to write about Elliott's last clinic visit, which happened last Thursday (18 weeks old). As you can see Elliott thoroughly enjoyed himself! He didn't mind getting his gear off and being weighed and measured at all. For the record his stats were:

Weight: 7.6kg (75th percentile)
Height: 66.5cm (75th+ percentile)
HC: 44cm (90th percentile)

He's starting to drop off slightly from the 90th height and weight percentiles but we know that is normal and nothing to worry about, especially as he's a very happy baby and is feeding well. Apparently there are new growth charts for breastfed babies that show there is a plateau in height and weight at around 4 months of age ... must remember to ask Alison about those. Of note is that Elliott's head circumference is still on the 90th percentile (? following in Dad's footsteps?) ... obviously he's destined to be very intelligent.

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