Elliott's Photo Album

Sunday 26 August 2007

Catchup on recent happenings

As mentioned in our last post... things have been pretty hectic at home recently, with the interior decorating etc, but all the while Elliott continues to develop his little personality and pleasantly surprise us at every turn. We're continuing to introduce solids (well puree actually) to him and he's really taken to it! Last week he was having his usual rice cereal mid-morning and then some puree pumpkin in the afternoon... and loving it (see below). As of today we've made it three, two rice cereal and one pumpkin, though we did give puree apple a crack today with some hilarious results. I won't give details of how it went just yet, but we got some video of it all and you can judge for yourself what he thought of the apple when we get a chance to post that footage (next couple of days hopefully).

Another thing we've done recently is to put the swing (kindly donated by Lisa, James, Bianca and Abi) up on the clothes line fo a bit of outdoor fun. We we're prompted by seeing Elliott's little buddy Alfie swinging away with delight... it's interesting that from time to time we need to remind ourselves to try introducing new things to Elliott. It's easy to forget that his likes and dislikes are a moving target I guess. Anyhow, from what we can gather, the swing is considered good fun... for the moment.

Elliott is continuing to catchup with his little buddies Ben and Alfie and there are always priceless photo opportunities. They are all starting to show some interest in each other, the other day when Alfie visited (along with Paul, Beth and Cathy- Paul's mum) Elliott's gaze was fixed on Alfie for quite a while, he then started to flap his arm, like he does, and almost whacked Alfie in the head! The last time the three of them were together, Ben was wearing a Piglet outfit which also caught Elliott's eye. I've always looked forward to being able to play dress up with kids, of course them dressing up... not me... although... anyway, I can't wait to get some fun costumes for Elliott.

Like all babies his age, Elliott uses his mouth quite a bit. He's usually got a fair bit of slobber on his chin, and anything he can get a grab on is straight into the mouth. Some recent developments include: 1) He can now blow raspberries; 2) he seems to prefer putting two fingers in his mouth rather than his thumb (as Aunty Nicole did); 3) He's becoming aware of his tongue (even sticks it out during raspberry blowing occasionally) and sometimes he curls the very tip of his tongue upwards when we are feeding him.

Finally, Elliott is becoming more and more co-ordinated and skilled in his movements everyday. He can routinely roll from his tummy to his back but he has not yet worked out how to do the reverse, or that this is one way he can get around (at this stage he just does it when he gets sick of being on his tummy). He's getting really good at reaching for things and holding then too, after his meals we usually give him the spoon to play with and chew on for a while. He's also getting good with his feet (perhaps soccer will be his sport Paul???), he now kicks his shoes and socks off using his heels! So all in all, life at 50 Mawson st is going along swimmingly, we fall more and more in love with our little boy every day and find it hard to think back 5 and a bit months to a time where he wasn't around.

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...

A great post guys... I can now barely recall anything that happened before May! Soccer... great I'll get him an Argyle shirt and include him in Alfie's training sessions! xxx