Elliott's Photo Album

Saturday 25 August 2007

Long time between drinks (I mean posts)!!!

Well we've had a bit of a drought of posts this last week (despite the precipitation). This can be largely traced to our snap decision to paint Elliott's room last weekend. It all started when I did some major gap filling around the skirting boards in his room in preparation for the big move of his cot (out of our room)... I did a rather shabby job and it didn't help that I used a brown gap filler (logic was that it would go well with the floor boards). Sadly, I got a fair bit of the filler on the skirting boards, which looked very ordinary by all accounts. So, after some debate we decided the only thing to do was paint the room, which after all was a pretty ordinary lavender colour with sky blue window and door frames! Consequently, most waking hours have been spent painting etc... I'm glad to be able to report that the painting is now complete and later this weekend we'll put the furniture back. THe room will need a little airing time, but give it a couple of days and we hould be announcing that 'big boy' Elliott has moved into his own room FULL TIME!

Wonder how that will go???

More posts and catching up will follow soon (including picks of Elliott's room with its new colour scheme)!

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