Elliott's Photo Album

Thursday 31 May 2007

Today's clinic visit

Elliott had his second child health clinic visit today ... boy did he give his little lungs a work out! In his defence the poor little guy was asleep, and nice and cosy in his dungarees and beanie, and we had to undress him! Oh, we are so mean sometimes! But, the visit went well ... the clinic nurse was VERY impressed by how Elliott is growing (an average of 300g and 1.3cm per week since he was born!). He now weighs 6.05kg, is 62cm long and has a head circumference of 41cm. We got lots of advice on the sleeping issue - the nurse was quite clear that leaving him to cry while he goes to sleep is okay ... she said whether we go in to settle him if he cries is up to us really, and just depends on how much crying we can handle! It makes it difficult, though because there is so much conflicting information out there about the whole crying and sleeping thing. I think I can handle a little crying but feel terrible if he cries too much!

Speaking of sleep...
This is Elliott at this very moment!

Elliott went down really well (no crying at all) and has been asleep since 1:25pm (that's 2 hours and 20 minutes so far!!). WOW! I dont want to jinx myself but I think we just might have cracked it! I'm thinking that being more disciplined and structured with his sleep during the day has definitely helped ... and we haven't had to leave him to cry (much!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Elliott,

My dad says that I have much to learn from you about how to sleep! Not sure about you but I much prefer staying up late and getting them to play guess why I'm crying! Hey thanks for my Mr. Strong suit, won't be long and I'll be filling it out nicely! Maybe we can hang out in our new suits soon!

Hang on dad is saying something..... he said to tell your dad thanks for (finally) including him in your photo album and also for the credit on the blog. He says that its great to see other people blogging so we can see how us little people are getting on!

Better go .. I'm hungry again!

lots of love
