Elliott's Photo Album

Sunday 27 May 2007

Autumn weekend

Surprisingly we've ended up spending most of this weekend at home. Saturday taught us that even babies can wake up on the wrong side of the bed. It's not that Elliott had a terrible day, it's just that he wasn't quite himself - he didn't know whether he was hungry, tired, uncomfortable, Arthur or Martha. Anyhow, we still had a nice day, the three of us together and Sunday he managed to get out of bed on the right side. Sunday was planned to be a birthday party on the central coast for Nicole and Dad, but Nicole had a bout of food poisoning so we postponed it. As a result, apart from a last minute dash to the shops on Saturday (for birthday presents) we've been able to hang around at home, no complaints. Despite this, we were all disappointed that the birthday was off because it was going to be Elliott's first trip to the house where his Dad grew up.

It was nice though to get a sunday afternoon visit from Elliott's Nan and Pa. They came up for afternoon tea and had a great visit. Both had good nurses with Elliott and we got to pick Pa's brains on the topic of digital settop boxes with hard drives. We think we're going to have to invest in one since our new sleeping patterns make it almost impossible to see anything decent on TV. It seems everything is on either too early or too late (pretty sad I know). Pa also got to show us his secret "sleeper hold" for nursing babies, however, we couldn't get a photo of it (at least not until the patent comes though).

On the topic of TV, I know there will be many that would say introducing TV to babies should be avoided, and there will be those that will say an 8 week old can't really see the TV anyhow... But there was a program on this afternoon and Elliott was tranfixed by it. It was of course the West Tigers thrilling victory over their big cat cousins, the Panthers. I have to say that I'm normally on the side of not sitting a baby in front of the TV, but that's not how it happened. Elliott was playing on his mat and once I turned the Tigers on he turned and wouldn't look away (even when his mat was making it's most attention seeking noises!).

Furthermore, this is not the first time the TV has been on when he has been in the room, but it's the only time he's taken interest. This can only mean one thing ... he's a real Tiger (as if there was ever a doubt). Anyhow, I'll keep you posted on his progress as a supporter, but he certainly cheered in all the right places ... Ben Galea making a habit of busting through and beating everyone to the line, Chris Lawrence's continued try scoring run and Robie Farrah's terrific form. Just for the record, the commentators went on and on about the young Pathers left out there, but we have plenty of youngsters running around too (we just bring them on better).

Elliott also got into a new outfit this weekend (thanks Liz and Travis). Elliott has been given so many beautiful outfits and we're slowly getting through them all. Sadly, as the photos show, it didn't last long. Even Huggies can let you down occasionally.

Finally, on Sunday night Elliott had his first bath in the big tub. I mentioned previously, he's quite the swimmer and keeping him in the little bath would have been like asking Ian Thorpe, at the peak of his powers, to do laps in the above-ground pool in the backyard.

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...


"he certainly cheered in all the right places"

...Wind can be a terrible thing! :0)

I think he has the makings of a great soccer player if the swimming career doesn't take off!

Amazing how the weeks fly by! Great to see what your little man is up to...

Lots of love

Paul, Beth and Elliott's little buddy Alfie xxx