Elliott's Photo Album

Sunday 20 May 2007

Playtime with Elliott's little buddy

Now this story is about week old, but I've gotta tell it anyway! Last Saturday night (12/05/07), after a regular nappy change we decided Elliott might like a little time on his playmat (that the people from the lab gave us). Up until this point he had shown some interest in the sounds it made, and tolerated time under there fore a couple of minutes but usually got over the whole experience pretty quickly. This time, however, I noticed he was quite engaged and was smiling at the frame over his head. Then I realised there was a mirror suspended above him and he could see his reflection! This is now one of Elliott's farourite things... playing with his little buddy. He smiles and baby talks at himself for as long as you'll let him stay under there... or until something like a dirty nappy of hunger pains get in the way. Of course I guess this is the same with all babies and that would be why the mirror is there in the first place but it was the nicest thing to just stumble onto, and it coincided with Elliott starting to do much more baby talk and really starting to engage with us too!