Elliott's Photo Album

Thursday 17 May 2007

Little update (posted by Kel)

Well, the little guy is still needing quite a lot of help to get out the wind (from both ends). But, it does seem to be getting better with fewer long stretches of crying because of tummy pain. We seem to have worked out the best ways of burping him, including him up on our shoulder - although he protests at first he soon remembers that he actually doesn't mind it!

We're also still getting lots of great smiles, as you can see! Elliott is starting to pay attention to little toys now, especially bright colourful ones. I tried putting a wrist rattle on him yesterday but, of course, he had no idea it was there and behaved like his arm was weighted down with lead (even though the rattle was very small and light!).

We are trying still to get a routine happening in the evenings and so far we aren't doing too badly ... feed (hopefully around 6pm), bath then settle and bed. But doesn't always go to plan, especially if he's a bit too tired. I've been reading about sleep and settling and we're going to try to get him used to settling himself off to sleep instead of him fallling asleep in our arms and then putting him down. Of course, that's easier said than done, but this morning the plan has worked!

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...

When you crack the "settling down" rather than "falling asleep in arms" thing let us know how you managed it!

Great blog... loving the pictures. Can't believe that Alfie will be that big in four weeks! Beth can't wait to join you at the Mothers groups... now three bubs holding hands would be a sight!!

lots of love

Paul. Beth aand Alfie