Elliott's Photo Album

Sunday 13 May 2007

Kel's First Mothers Day

Kel reading her first ever Mothers Day card

Well, it could have been Father's Day today, what with the TIGERS racking up their fourth vitory in a row... but it wasn't.

Okay, okay, Brett, this is my turn to write, seeing as yesterday was Mother's Day NOT Fathers Day. And what a great first Mothers Day it was! Started with cuddles in bed from little Elliott and some nice presents (although Brett did complain that he'd had to do all the work around the presents because Elliott hadn't helped one bit).

The Mothers Day presents... also wrapped

Daddy and Elliott spoiled Mummy with three (very traditional mothers day presents:

1) Undies, no day honouring parents is complete without some
undies, socks or handkerchiefs
2) Photo collage, the precedent has
been set that there will be some
form of handcraft.
3) Music- Chillout classics (there
has to be one bit mummy actually
asked for!

Then had a nice brekky and read of the paper, and then we went off to Vacy for the day for a BBQ with the family, including Anne and John (aka Nan and Pa).

Bianca and Abi both thought Elliott was the bee's-knees - In fact, Bianca came up with her own nickname for Elliott ... "little Chubba". She was also still satisfied that Elliott still likes her "a lot".

Bianca and "Little Chubba" (aka Elliott)

Elliott, Bianca & Abi

Elliott met his great Grandad (Grandad Pete) for the first time today ... Elliott seemed to think it was about time (although, to be fair, Pete had been in the U.K since Elliott was born). We also finally got some photos of Elliott with his Grandad (he doesn't have an excuse at all).

Elliott & Grandad Pete

The Grandads

Finally ... a photo of Elliott and his Grandad

Finally, the day ended with Bianca getting an early birthday present and Elliott getting even more presents from very thoughtful friends (thankyou so, so much Julia, Gus, Hannah, Sian and Sam, and also Val and Julian).

Kel & Bianca - opening an early present for her 5th birthday next week

Kel opening Elliott's presents

Thankyou Elliott (and Brett) for giving me the best first Mother's Day ever!! I think I now have a lot to live up to for a certain someone's first Father's Day!

A final note ... I noticed today that Elliott has developed a couple of very distinct bald spots from where he rubs his head from side to side in his sleep. I'm sure the hair will grow back (? still blonde?) but if he's not careful he's going to have even less hair than his Dad (He He!).

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