Elliott's Photo Album

Tuesday 15 May 2007

6 weeks old today & First Mothers Group Meeting (by Kel)

6 weeks old today! Points to note from the last few days or so:
  • I feel more confident now that I know more what Elliott wants when he's upset - whether he's hungry, tired, windy, uncomfortable or just wants a cuddle. It feels so nice. Just today we had great cuddles when I figured he was tired - we put on the stereo and danced away, until he settled and went to sleep on my shoulder.
  • Elliott likes dance music ... or so we think. Actually, he likes most music (haven't tried the Oils yet ... I'm convenced he won't like them, unlike his Dad).
  • Today's favourite song (of Elliott's) was "Somewhere over the rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole.
  • Elliott now enjoys looking at the hanging rattling toy in his stroller ... just last week he paid it no attention at all and now he seems mesmorised by it and today he was staring at it for ages.
  • Elliott looks great in his Bond trackies and hoodie!
  • Elliott has basically grown out of the Newborn nappies ... I didn't realise there is a size in-between newborn and crawler (Kate told me today), so guess what I'm getting from the shops tomorrow?!
  • Elliott is 'talking' a bit now, making 'agooing" noises quite a lot. As always, he's a smiling angel and often makes me laugh when I'm feeding him as he looks up at me with his massive blue eyes and just wants to smile and chat! Last night he even gave us a laugh (while feeding) which was very cute (of course, milk went everywhere!).
Well, on to the Mother's Group...
Elliott and I spent much of today with Kate and Ben. We attended our very first Mother's group meeting today, thanks to Kate and Ben, who invited us along to their group in Stockton! It was really nice to meet some other new Mums and their bubs ... in keeping with the recent tradition of newborn boys there was only one baby girl in the group! I also found it quite interesting that 3 of the 5 Mums had had (unplanned) caesarians! While at the baby health clinic (where the meeting was held) we weighed Elliott ... 5.5kg at 6 weeks old!! That's up from the ~80th to the 90th percentile for weight!). Good boy, Elliott, you're obviously feeding very well.

We also had a nice lunch and took some nice photos of Ben and Elliott together (to follow in next entry) - While they were lying on the table together waiting to be weighed today they held hands! (and they did it all by themselves!).

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