Elliott's Photo Album

Tuesday 29 May 2007

Sleep ... is this success or just a fluke?

Well, after a tricky day yesterday trying to get Elliott to sleep during the day, today was a little more successful. It's not that he isn't sleeping at all during the day, it's just that he'll only sleep in his sling (with Kel holding him), and only for up to 45 minutes at that (sometimes only 10 minute cat naps). Usually it's the night time sleeping people complain about! We really have no idea but figure it would be good for Elliott to be able to sleep in his cot at times during the day, and to eventually be able to settle himself off to sleep, or if he wakes up. Imagine if he's 6 months old and still only sleeping in the sling! (Kel's back just wouldn't be able to take it!).

Anyway, this afternoon Kel fed Elliott and put him in his cot, just like yesterday, only today he didn't cry! In fact, he lay there for about 5 minutes before falling asleep all on his own! And, he slept for about 45 minutes in there! Yippee! (We can't help feeling, though, that this is likely to be just a fluke and not at all what we can expect each day!). Kel's going to a sleep group next week ... perhaps she will learn some helpful tips on the day time sleeping (or perhaps she will be told that she's thinking about it all way too much!).

For the record, night time sleeping seems to follow a bit of a routine most nights ... Elliott goes to sleep sometime between 6:30pm and 7:30pm, wakes around 1:30am for a feed, goes down by 2:30am (without any troubles at all) and wakes again at around 6:30am. We're getting about 6 hours sleep each night (don't know how much longer we can sustain this!) ... all in all we can't complain too much considering what some parents go through! We just need to get into the habit of going to bed before 9:30pm!!!

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