Elliott's Photo Album

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Elliott versus the big needles

I'm sure this won't be the first time we observe that on some occasions it'll be hard to find time to update the Blog, but were trying as hard as we can. This past week things have really ramped up in terms of Fellowship applications go (future wages) for me and Kel and Elliott have had their usual 'full diary' of engagements. But... since Elliott had his community health check, we've had a few important milestones pass by that are crying out to be recorded for all time. Probably the most significant for Elliott was his 8 week immunisations! We anticipated that this would not be much fun and in hindsight, though it was over pretty quickly, we were right it wasn't fun for him or us. He had two needles, one in each leg, and got them both at the same time (one by the doctor and one by a nurse).

Dramatised reenactment of Elliott's first immunisation

He was his usually smiley happy self before they went in, but that soon changed. One of the most interesting things about the whole experience was that we heard a new cry from Elliott that we had not heard before. Sadly, it was a threatened and scared cry which was a bit heart wrenching to hear. On the bright side, the crying only lasted 5-10 minutes and then he was as good as new. One redeeming feature of the whole experience was being there to comfort him through it. He was left with a bandaid on each thigh to show from the whole experience and now has a 4 month break until the next set of injections!

Although Elliott has shown no real physical effects since his first immunisation, we have noticed that he has become very fussy at feeding time. He's on, off, on, off, whingey and overall hasn't been very into it. This has lead Kel in particular to worry that he might not be getting enough and that his behaviour might lead to her milk production slowing and potentially drying up. From what we read, fussy feeding and breast refusal can follow immunisation, so this may or may not be related. It's also apparently common (what isn't) for feeding patterns and behaviour to change at around 8 weeks. In most cases it's a temporary thing so hopefully we'll soon be writing how well he's feeding again... fingers crossed.

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