Elliott's Photo Album

Wednesday 20 June 2007

Elliott's Swinging Hips

Today Elliott had an ultrasound on his hips to check that they were alright. The Doctor had noticed a bit of a click in one at his 8 week checkup and suggested it was worth getting checked, just to be sure. Anyway we haven't got the results yet but the sonographer said it looked good (without saying it looked good... only a Dr. can actually say that???). This was our first real "out of the ordinary" medical check, standing there, holding Elliott's hand as he had his ultrasound. He was an absolute champion... we joked afterwards that the sonographer was probably thinking "why am I doing this, his hips are so strong he nearly broke the transducer, I haven't seen hips this good since Elvis!". In reality, he did fine and didn't even cry when he had the uncomfortable bit where they image his hips while under pressure. He's our brave little hip swinging hero!

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...

... Well done Elliott we're really proud of you... Alfie sends his love too as he has been poked, prodded and bent into all positions with the "clicky hip" issue hanging over him. Well compare ultrasounds soon... but I'm sure that everything will be fine from the sound of the sonographer who thought it looked good (without saying it!)