Elliott's Photo Album

Tuesday 19 June 2007

Weekend picnic

Last weekend we caught up with a few friends over at Kate and Matt's place in Stockton. As usual, the boys (that's Elliott, Alfie and Benji) had a great time catching up (and so did we). There was lots of great food and even some champagne!

Elliott surprised us by spending a record amount of time happily sitting on our laps (he usually hates sitting down with us and prefers to be up and about taking in the sights). On Sunday, he was more than happy to just sit on our laps and check everyone out - probably had something to do with the fact that there were so many people to watch!

We also finally got a photo of the nine of us ... we are so lucky to have such a great group of friends to share time with as all our boys grow up.

Below is one of the best photos of the day ... little Ben with his Mum ... Oh, I mean, his Dad.

This weekend also marked the end of a long run of long night sleeps ... sadly the 12 hour night time sleeps Elliott was having the previous week (7pm - 7am, with a wake up dream feed at 4am), came to an end with him deciding he would like to feed a couple of times a night afterall. His sleep has been much less settled too. Not sure what that is all about. Oh well, it was good (no, GREAT!) while it lasted!

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