Elliott's Photo Album

Friday 29 June 2007

Lactation Consultant Visit

This morning Elliott and I ventured out early in the day (9am appointment!! That's hard!) for our visit to see the lactation consultant. Of course, while we were there Elliott fed excellently (typical!) although we did have lots to talk about still and the consultant gave us her thoughts on our little feeding "problems" ...

1. Elliott is 'snacking' instead of having full feeds which perhaps means that he's not getting really hungry at all (and thus not feeding well or for more than 5 minutes at a time on some days);
2. Because of the snacking Elliott may also be getting a lot of fore milk (which means he could be getting too much lactose) which may account for the increase in the number and amount of 'possits' he has lately;
3. Elliott's poor sleeping habits (day time, and recently at night) are likely due to him not feeding well and vise-versa.
4. She doesn't think he has reflux because he didn;t possit when lying on his tummy (apparently he would after 10 seconds if he had reflux).

So, we have been advised to persist with day time sleeping - trying to get Elliott to have more day naps and for longer (1 1/2 hours each, or 2 sleep cycles). This means initially trying to tolerate an amount of crying, but hopefully it will mean Elliott will learn how to settle himself eventually. On a practical note, this would be good because he's so heavy now that it's getting harder and harder to rock him to sleep!

Other comments the consultant made were:
  • Elliott poos at least twice per day - this may indicate that Elliott is getting more than enough to eat (not unusual for a breastfed baby to poo once a week!)
  • Elliott is a very alert baby and obviously loves watching the world ... she thought perhaps he'll walk early (not going to take this too seriously, though!)
  • 6 or 7 feeds per 24 hours is usual at 12 weeks of age
  • At this ateg, or a little later, breastfed babies often become fussy at the breast and get easily distracted when feeding
  • Suggestion not to wrap Elliott to sleep in the day (or 1/2 wrap so that he can suck his thumb if he wants to).
  • Instead of the earlier "feed, play, sleep" pattern advised for a newborn, a 12 week old now fits more the "feed, play, sleep, play" pattern, as he becomes more active.

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