Elliott's Photo Album

Saturday 28 July 2007

You've gotta laugh

Like all new parents, we've been playing games with Elliott since he came home... but for most of the time they have been more fun for us than him i think. Last night we were playing a variation of peek'a'boo, where we drape his wrap over his face and then pull it off, basically it is peek'a'boo without the peek'a'boo (there's a weeeeee instead). Anyway, he found it most amusing and we took some video of it. He's really starting to get a chuckle going these days, it's so cute.

For any of my friends watching this, please disregard my high pitch weeeee'ing, Elliott seems to like it when my voice goes up an octave or two (perhaps he was just laughing at how silly his Dad sounded).

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