Elliott's Photo Album

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Must have missed the memo

The last couple of nights (and days for that matter) Elliott has been a little out of sorts. Through the day he's been a bit whingy and unsure what he wants... then at night he's been unable to get to sleep on his own at bedtime (~7pm). He's gotten himself into an inconsolable crying state very quickly and we've ended up having to nurse him to sleep. 15 minutes of full bore, full volume baby crying can sure be a harrowing experience (especially when he's looking straight into your eyes and weeping). On the positive side, it is extremely uplifting to weather that storm and then have him fall to sleep in your arms.

It feels like we missed a memo that said he was going on strike... and we don't even no why...
- apparently it's not uncommon for babies to get a little unsettled at about 4 months.
- perhaps he's striking because of the cold snap we've been experiencing
- or maybe it is a belated protest about John Howard's work choices legislation

Anyhow, tonight Kel and I are sitting here, with a glass of wine each, Elliott having gone to sleep with a minimum of fuss... so keep your fingers crossed for us!

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