Elliott's Photo Album

Sunday 29 July 2007

Another milestone

Today goes down, in the history of our family, as the first time Elliott's been sick. The poor little guy woke up with a rattly chest... and lots of chesty coughing. His nose has been a bit runny but not too bad and he started to sound a little stuffy by bedtime tonight. On top of that he's just seemed generally uncomfortable. Despite all this, Elliott has been a real little trooper! He's still been smiling away, laughing and playing with us.

It's probably just a bug that Kel or I brought home with us... we're both feeling a little run down tonight but it seems to have gotten on top of him first. Elliott also had his 4 month immunization on Friday (no link I'm sure), this is noteworthy because he was a real brave little boy! Unlike the first round of needles (cried and pretty distressed for about 5 minutes), this time he would have only cried for about 10 seconds and was alright once he got in his mummy's arms!

Anyway, he's had a couple of doses of baby Panadol today (lucky I raced down and got it from the Pharmacist about 3 1/2 months ago) and fingers crossed he'll feel a bit better in the morning, although we are bracing ourselves for an up and down night ;o)

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...

Get well soon Elliott..

lots of love