Elliott's Photo Album

Saturday 7 July 2007

Photo Albums updated

We finally updated Elliott's photo album and the slide show of Elliott "mug shots" at the bottom of the blog. We never get sick of looking at our little man... but be warned there are now heaps of photos in each. It's been some time since we've put new pictures in these albums and there are some real gems. A tip for the bottom album, if you haven't realised, the controller in the bottom left corner allows you to speed up the scroll (use +).

While I'm here, I might as well write a little update too! We've had quite a big last 24 hrs really. Yesterday evening we attended two parties. First was for our friend Liz from the USA, who has been in Australia for the last 2 years working in my lab. Sadly she's heading back to the States to go to Med School... and we wish her all the best! We hope that our paths will cross again someday. The second party was a birthday party for our good friend Kate. As you can imagine it was a big ask for Elliott and he did have a couple of "meltdowns" before the end of the night. It raised an interesting question for us because Elliott has been doing real well in the evening, due largely to a very consistent routine (bath, feed, & bed by about 6:30-7pm). Lots of what we've heard and read says routine is great for babies... but it goes a bit pear-shaped when you break their routine! So could routine be preventing adaptability??? We still think it is the way to go... but far out, it is easy to over-analyse everything!

Finally, we are still working on getting Elliott to take a bottle, so that he doesn't necessarily need to be within reach of Kel 24/7. Today we made progress (a pleasing change). He didn't take a real lot... and still spat the dummy after a couple of minutes, but it did work for a brief moment and we have a photo (below) to prove it.

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