Elliott's Photo Album

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Happy Birthday Nan!

What! It's Nan's Birthday?

Why is it that nobody tells me anything around here...
I'm soooo embarrassed!

Well, Happy Birthday Nan
I can't wait to give you a big sloppy kiss!

To celebrate his Nan's Birthday, Elliott decided he'd show off and do some celebratory rolls! It's been a couple of weeks since he did two rolls at the Mother's and Babies exercise class, we started to wonder if he decided the whole thing was overrated. He rolled over 6 times this evening and feels he may have perfected the technique (though these rolls were performed without a nappy on... time will tell if he can also execute this maneuver with the safety-pants on! He also returned from a couple of weeks of hiatus to reignite his swimming career in the bath. In recent times he's been much more keen to just lay there, relax and hold his feet in the air.

He steadies...

He rocks...

... and He rolls!

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