Elliott's Photo Album

Friday 25 May 2007

The week that was...

Mummies can be so cruel sometimes "I wish she'd take this off my nose"

Another week, another 100 dirty nappies (or so), another 50 breastfeeds (or so) and plenty of stuff jammed in between them all. Kel and Elliott had a pretty full social calender this week, with things on every day! On Monday, they went to Anj and Maddy's house for morning tea with some mums and bubs.

Elliott met up with Ben, Alfie, and Jet for afternoon tea on Tuesday (Kate, Kel, Beth, Paul, Nicky, and myself were also there). It was great to chat and share experiences/ideas, and amazing to see how different and the same all the boys are. We got some photos but need to get copies from Paul, Beth and Kate.

On Wednesday Kel & Elliott went out shopping with Grandma (Kel's Mum) and had a lovely lunch and coffee. Elliott seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to meal times for Kel - he wakes up as soon as the food/ coffee arrives!

Kel & Elliott went to their first mother's and baby's exercise class on Thursday (run by the John Hunter Physio's), which was aparently quite fun, though Elliott decided he wanted a feed midway. Steve came up for dinner on Thursday night and got to see Elliott's prowess in the bath (we call him "Little Froggy Thorpie" because of his amazing swim stroke when on his tummy).

And here we are on Friday night, the dynamic duo had a more quiet day today although they did manage to come for a walk into the Uni to visit me for an afternoon cuppa. Apparently, on the walk home Elliott fell asleep and was sucking his thumb (the left one!) ... very cute but he managed to take it out before Kel could get a photo, so the rest of us will just have to imagine it.

Some cool things that Elliott has done this week include: getting very excited at bath time, as I mentioned, when we turn him onto his tummy (supporting his head with a cupped hand under his chin) he just goes off... water everywhere as he does this great frog kick and paddles his arms; his neck is getting really strong! He can hold it up for much longer now and seems to enjoy looking around; Kel reckons that he might be left handed, because he always sucks on his left hand and favours it when he's waving his hands around; and finally, it's gotten bloody cold this week! So Elliott's been able to try out more of his warm clothes.

The drop in temperature (especially overnight) is probably impacting more on the nighttime nappy changes and feeds... it's freeezing out there!

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...

6 degrees!

BRRrrrrrrrr! :0) Lovvvvl

That's a Summers Day for us Poms! Although our little Aussie has had to wrap up warm too.

Paul, Beth (still in shorts!)and Alfie