Elliott's Photo Album

Sunday 24 June 2007

Graduating to the Big Cot!

Last night was Elliott's first night in his big cot. Until now he has been sleeping in the bassinet that was first used by me (32 years ago). It's a testament to Mum that: 1) she kept the bassinet in such good condition that it lasted for her four children; and 2) that she kept it for long enough (and again in good enough condition) for her children to use it with their children! There was something about this piece of baby furniture that brought it all home to me, just the fact that I once slept in it and now Elliott has... nostalgia I guess.

Old Cot

On the issue of his new bed, the news is good! Elliott had a great nights sleep and below is a picture of his first morning smile in it. It's cool how when you go to get him up (not just in the morning but especially then) and he realises it's either myself or Kel, a beaming smile comes across his face, as though to say "There you are, I'm so glad you've hung around, what fun stuff are we doing today?"

New Cot

Today we packed up the bassinet and sent it back to Mum and Dad's. We look forward to finding out where its next destination will be???

Old cot packed and ready for its next adventure.

We run the risk of being lynched by other new parent by talking about sleeping patterns... but this is a record to help us remember Elliott's milestones, achievements and other baby stuff. So, after having had a run of about a month where Elliott was sleeping like a dream (at night... see other posts for details of challenges in the day sleeping), about a week ago he all of a sudden decided to go back to about 4 hourly intervals (7 pm...11 pm...3 am...7 am)! This was a bit of a shock after the 7 pm...4 am...7 am pattern we'd come to know and love. Even with this change we know we have no real grounds for complaint because even under the four hour interval regimen, he still only gets up, has a feed and we put him straight back down, so the blocks of sleep were still able to add up.

Anyway, given that background the last 2 nights he's gone back to the single feed in the wee hours of the morning, and about 12 hours sleep (for Elliott) over the night. We know chaotic sleeping is probably just around the corner again, but for the moment we'll enjoy things while they last!


Paul and Beth said...

"We run the risk of being lynched by other new parent by talking about sleeping patterns..."

We're on our way round! :0)

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely marrrvelllous read. You guys are fantastic. Think I will read it again, just to re-live it all. What a wonderful journal for Elliott to read when (hopefully) he too becomes a Dad.
Steve and Adel.