Elliott's Photo Album

Monday 11 June 2007

Elliott's first Natural Disaster (apart from leaky nappies)

What a Queen's Birthday long weekend we've had! It's a gorgeous monday with the sun shining in Newcastle... but most people will be aware that the last 72 hours have been eventful to say the least. Friday started pretty normally, although we did wake with no power. It was raining in the morning and Elliott went to sleep after breakfast, so I decided to work from home until he woke up (so I could get a lift into the uni). Luckily the power came back by about 9:30 am, just as my laptops battery was getting low and soon after I got a lift in with Kel and Elliott. I arrived (~10 am) to a fire alarm in my building and had to wait outside in the rain while the building was checked over (false alarm... as usual). While outside we got word that there was a major event unfolding on Nobbys Beach, the "Pasha Bulker" running aground). For anyone unfamiliar with Nobby Beach, this is a big event!

Nobbys on a clear summers day

Nobbys on Friday 08/06/07

View of Nobbys pavillion on a Summers day

View of Nobbys pavillion on 08/06/07

The pictures tell the story far better than I could... but this was only the start of things to come. That same moring, after dropping me off at uni, Kel & Elliott headed to the shops to look for a couple of new warm things for Elliott (still growing @ a rate of knots). They got a nice fleecy suit to sleep in (more of that one later). Their trip home around lunchtime was apparently quite the ordeal, but Kel is best to tell that tale... here's her version...

... it was really scarey! I don't think it would have been quite so scarey had I not had Elliott in the car, but I was worried we wouldn't make it home. I could barely see 1 meter in front of me as I was driving - I pulled off the highway along side the Uni and made our way home the long way because it was too dangerous being on that stretch of road. I had to stop several times along the road, because it was flooded, before proceeding after being sure the car could get through. I think Elliott and I were lucky because from photos we have seen, another few minutes or so and perhaps those flooded stretches of road would have been too deep to pass through. We got home in one piece only to find the drive way flooded (although relatively minor) - I had to stand in ankle deep water to get Elliott out of the car (and our driveway is on a slope!). Needless to say, it was a relief to be inside the house, with the heater on (and Elliott put on his brand new fleecy clothes - what timing that purchase was!).

Early the same afternoon (~3 pm) the University was evacuated (which we were all a bit bemused by at the time). Luckily enough, there was break in the weather so I walked home. That night appeared as though it would be stormy (like the one before) but when we went to bed we still had power. When Elliott woke for a feed (~ 11 pm), the power was gone. leading to the rather romantic notion of feeding by candle light.

That morning (Saturday)... still no electricity and it turned out that we went the whole day without it. Amazing how it takes something like that to make you realise how reliant you are on those coal powered electrons (hopefully one day they'll be renewable). In the daytime the only difficulties were heating and cooking. It was pretty chilly so we were all rugged up, but it was fun to hang out all day (not much else to do). I read Elliott his first book, his interest was minimal but I got through it without him telling me to stop (in his own special way). For the record, the book was Little Miss Helpful, which I pointed out to Elliott is a story about his Mum (Kel the helper, she just can't resist).

In order to have some hot food and a nice warm cuppa we brought the camping cooker into the house... we'd always planned to take Elliott camping early on but didn't think we'd be doing it in our own house! Cheese jaffles and some earl grey tea really hit the spot.

Later that night we tried the gas lantern but there must have been a little leak because when I tried to light it flames came from the tap (a bit of a scare) so we opted for the candle option again (much safer).

After having no power for about 24 hours (it felt like longer!) we had heaps of food in the fridge and freezer that had to be thrown away ... along with all that stored (frozen) breastmilk Kel had built up - all 800ml worth! (see previous blog entry "Feeding difficulties..."). NOOOOO! All that liquid Gold! On the bright side, our fridge and freezer have been cleaned for the first time since we bought it!

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...

What a weekend...

... strangely our fridge freezer was also treated to a clean.

... we wore the ski stuff we were laughing about having brought over about four weeks ago.

... are babies more resiliant than their parents? Discuss...

... Great Sunday afternoon made all the more special after earlier events!

Great updates as always


PS: On the dance issue... I'm
80% scared
10% seduced
10% bemused by the whole thing!

... should we be leaving them alone with our children? ;0)