Elliott's Photo Album

Sunday 2 September 2007

Daddy's first fathers day

Today was my first fathers day as a Dad and what a great day it was. Elliott got into bed with me and helped me open some presents (which mummy helped him buy... he doesn't have any money yet). For the record, I got an AM/FM radio (no workshop is complete without one), some undies (classic fathers day gift), and a CD (the debut Grinderman album- this is direct evidence that Elliott had a hand in selecting the presents as I am confident that Kel would never have chosen it in 100 years... she hates Nick Cave).

We had a nice morning at home, Elliott had a sleep while we had breaky and read the paper, and then we went up to Vacy for a fathers day lunch. It was nice to be able to qualify with the Dad's team (Pete, Ralph, and Paul) this year! Last Fathers day I was a Dad in training and it was only when James had to go look after Abi for a while that I got to stand in as a reserve Dad for dessert. We had a lovely lunch and afternoon, Elliott wasn't that keen on an afternoon nap so after letting him try to sort it out himself, I ended up going in and helping him to sleep. It was a really nice moment for me, nursing my sleeping son, he really is a beautiful little boy (unashamed bias aside). We came home and had a nice relaxed evening together... A perfect Day really.

To all my fellow Dad's out there (especially fellow first timers), Happy Fathers day to you, I hope yours was as good as mine!

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...

Sounds like you enjoyed your first fathers day as much as I enjoyed mine! :0)

... I only hope that you have the new undies or undies of some description on! ;0)