Elliott's Photo Album

Sunday 16 September 2007

News of the week

This is where I usually say how busy we've been and how I wish it was easier to be a more regular blogger... Oh well, no need to bore everybody, you get the picture.

The past week was a great one, Elliott was mostly the happy little boy he always seems to be and the weather was beautiful, which meant lots of outside time... fun fun fun.

Like most weeks Elliott past a number of milestones including:

1) He's had a bit of trouble with the pram, on two walks he just went ballistic and Kel had to finish the walks carrying Elliott and pushing the pram (I was at work). We're not sure but he has been a little more clingy and so we think that he misses us when he's up the front all alone. Having said all that they had a much better walk on Friday... no tears.

2) The past weeks Elliott has developed this nodding habit. We are not sure why but he gets on a roll and just nods and nods and nods. Any question you ask him he'll respond with a nod. We're sure he doesn't know what it means, but it is really cute. One theory Kel has is that is feels good on the back of his head... alternatively he may be just mimicking us (always telling him how much we love him, and nodding at him). Anyway, it caused us to start calling him Noddy for a while (not the washed up half back at the Sharks, but the jolly little fellow with the blue hat and red tunic). Check out the footage of him in action below.

3) Elliott was also a sleeping champion this week! He slept through the night from Sunday through to Friday... that's 5 in a row! Till this run he had only slept right though the night on 3 previous occasions (that's being strict on the definition, he's generally a good sleeper but I call sleeping though the night going to bed at 7pm and not waking up before 6am). Thankfully we appreciated it while it was happening but weren't under the impression it would go on forever! Low and behold he woke for a feed in the night on Friday night and then we had our worst night in a long while on Saturday night (a few stints of hard core crying that seemed to last forever)! We're not sure why the abrupt change???? We figure teething is one possibility (see the rusk picture below). It seems that with teething, though, it is only a retrospective explanation. You go through a couple of days/weeks of unsettled/unhappy times and then at some stage teeth appear and 'Ohhhhhh, he was teething!'. At least thats how I imagine it will go (I'll keep you posted).

4) As with the post on Food Glorious Food, he's continued to the try new things. Below are before and after photos of the mess he gets all over his face and then the cleaned up version... heaven help us when he feeds himself! The latest is prunes. This relates to the sudden change in sleeping habits - apart from teething, another explanation would be constipation, which we have some evidence of (I won't say any more). To help his problem we've been trying extra hard to get him to drink fluids (other than his milk), but he's just not a big fan. He's tolerated some dilute pear juice today and hopefully we can make some progress there. Anyway, fingers crossed the prunes and increased fluid will do the trick. The poor little man just has not been himself this weekend, very unsettled though the day as well as at night.

5) Despite the unsettled weekend we've still managed to get out and about and today was Elliott's first visit to the beach! He liked the sand but wasn't too crash hot about the water (we dangled his legs in) but who can blame him - It might have been a beautiful sunny day but the water is still pretty cold... I can vouch for that! For the record, it was at Bar Beach (Kel and my old turf... ahhhh the old Brooks St apartment). We had some chips for lunch and Elliott even managed a little cat nap in the sun. Perhaps we wore him out... keep your fingers crossed for tonight, we don't need a sleep though but it would be nice if he was a little more settled, time will tell.

Until next time, sleep well and keep smiling ;O)

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...

Wow... You've been a busy boy Elliott! Sounds like you enjoyed your trip to the beach as much as Alfie!

Good to see him tucking in to various delights both hard and soft.... I can only imagine the double yuck facial expression! :0)