Elliott's Photo Album

Saturday 8 September 2007

Visit from the Greens (and Grandma)

On Friday we had a really nice visit from all the Greens! That's Lisa, James, B and Abi. It was so lovely to see them all as we haven't for a while (everyine is just so busy!). Grandma (Angela) came too (although Kel's photography wasn't crash hot when taking photos of Grandma so we've left those off the blog - for Grandma's sake only!).
Both B and Abi thought Elliott was pretty great (he likes them a lot too). Abi was very thoughtful and kept giving toys to Elliott for him to play with. She was so adorable. B was very sweet with Elliott and gave him lots of kisses and cuddles. We finally managed to get some photos of James with the little guy (goodness knows why it has taken this long!!). Elliott thoroughly enjoyed reading a book with his Uncle (although I think Elliott thought the book tasted better than it read).

Elliott had a play under his play gym ... it looked like so much fun that the girls decided they'd have a go too. So all three cousins squished underneath (with no room to spare!) and played there for a while. I think Abi especially liked it under there with Elliott and was even quite protective of him when people tried to get too close!

Of course, no one was protecting poor B ... Elliott decided he thought her ears looked rather tasty and tried to pull them off!

We also got the chance to update the artwork on our fridge with new pictures that the girls coloured in. We're loking forward to catching up with everyone again soon when the girls have a holiday with Grandma and Grandad in a week or so.

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