Elliott's Photo Album

Sunday 30 September 2007

Still sick, still hungry, still trying to feed ...

Well, since the last update post things haven't changed much with the little guy - Elliott is still unwell with a head cold, which is making him a bit miserable a lot of the time. We had two trips to the GP this week - one for Kel (for help with milk supply issues - not helpful, by the way) and another for Elliott. Turns out Elliott has pharyngitis (fancy name for a sore throat!) and a bit of an ear infection on top of his head cold, poor guy. Elliott is finding it hard to sleep at night and the fact that feeding is such a big issue at the moment isn't helping.

To cut a long story short it's looking like Kel will have to stop breastfeeding Elliott (a very difficult decision indeed) because there isn't enough milk a lot of the time (despite numerous attempts to increase supply) and there isn't really much of a 'let-down' of milk anymore when Elliott tries to feed. It would be nice to do both (breast and bottle feed) but that's not as easy as it sounds. So, for the sake of Elliott's nutrition, Kel's sanity, and all our happiness I think Elliott may just have to be a bottle-fed baby from 6 months of age (that's still one more than his Dad, and he didn't end up too badly). The decision isn't made fully yet though ... we have a lactation consultant coming tomorrow to help us with all our questions. By all reports from Mums who have seen her she is fabulous. Hopefully she'll have come across our issues before and will have some practical advice for us.

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