Elliott's Photo Album

Saturday 5 January 2008

Evel Knievel rides agin!!!

Of course there is nothing Evel, or Knievel about Elliott but when you see the video below you'll see what I mean. We bought a baby-seat and helmet for Elliott yesterday and we got some video of the maiden voyage to share. First a little aside about the seat though...

1) We made sure to ask for a baby-seat that was compatible with disc brakes and were assured the one we were sold would work. I got the box open and started to size it up on the bike and quickly realised they had charged me for a disc-brake bike seat but given me a regular-brake bike seat. Back to Hadley's...

2) We get the right baby-seat home and try it on the bike... the bracket that attaches the baby-seat to the bike near the seat is miles too short! Just no way...

3) Pull baby-seat off bike and retry a number of times with various permutations that get the baby-seat closer to the bike seat... still no way... very disappointed!

4) Bugger it, I'll put it on Kel's bike with regular brakes, that shouldn't matter... but it does. I get it on at the wheel axle but again problems at attaching the baby-seat to the bike near the seat.

5) Finally (4 hrs later), I Jerry-rig something on my bike using some of the fixtures from Kel's bike rack and after a lot of mucking about and fiddling we have bike (mine) with a baby seat (on the down side neither bike now has a bike-rack.. but never mind that).

The moral of that story... pay the $26 and let the experts worry about it.

Anyway, the video of our maiden voyage is below and it was a real hoot! since that we've taken it for a trip down to Jesmond shopping center and back. Elliott loved it for about 90% of the time and the remaining 10% of time he was a little uneasy about the whole experience. It's bit like when we take him swimming, he's just cautious about risky stuff... enter the helmet.

The file is about 5 MB... time for a cuppa if you're on dial-up.


Anonymous said...

Must be the time of year for cycle seat fitting!!! .. our little chap insisted on removing the skid lid so no rides yet!!! ;0)

Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

How cool, Elliott looked like he was enjoying himself loads. We're thinking of getting one but haven't ventured that far yet.