Elliott's Photo Album

Saturday 19 January 2008

Tough times in the AM time-slot

Elliott's last two nights have been the worst in recent memory! It seems that for some reason, Elliott has lost the knack/desire to settle himself and at the same time re-discovered his brutal lung capacity to belt out a blood curdling cry! Who knows what it is ... teething, a bit of constipation, or something we have not even thought of. Whatever it is, we now remember the luxury of a good night's sleep. Two nights ago he woke at 3am and resisted all attemps to seduce him back to laying Zzzzzzz's. Then last night he woke at about 9pm and refused to take anymore shut eye until a little after 1am, following it up with his usual wake time of 6am.

Of course this isn't a horrenous schedule in baby terms, but when you've gotten pretty used to sleeping through, or one wakeup call (with a very easy settle and back to sleep), it is a shock to the system. Kel and I are holdiong our breath for tonight and may consider converting to a nocturnal life if things continue!

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