Elliott's Photo Album

Friday 18 January 2008

Two for the afternoon

Earlier this week I offered to look after Ben for a little while as Kate had a dentist appointment to go to. It is actually the first time I've ever had two bubs to look after at once.

(Elliott) "Hey Mummy, look at this great toy ... I didn't realise how good it was until Ben wanted it!"

It was really nice to look after Ben and spend more time with him ... he's such a lovely baby. And I think Elliott enjoyed having him over too, although he still has a lot to learn about sharing! Anything Ben wanted Elliott decided he wanted, even his least favourite of toys.

Ben was so good - he didn't cry or whinge or throw one single tanturm the whole time he was here, even when Elliott tried to stop him from cuddling me. He was a little quieter than usual but perked right up again as soon as his Mummy got back. We can't wait to do it again sometime (and perhaps next time it will be for longer than an hour or so!).

"Muuum, Ben's trying to climb on MY coffee table (whinge, whinge)!"

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