Elliott's Photo Album

Saturday 19 January 2008

Tough times in the AM time-slot

Elliott's last two nights have been the worst in recent memory! It seems that for some reason, Elliott has lost the knack/desire to settle himself and at the same time re-discovered his brutal lung capacity to belt out a blood curdling cry! Who knows what it is ... teething, a bit of constipation, or something we have not even thought of. Whatever it is, we now remember the luxury of a good night's sleep. Two nights ago he woke at 3am and resisted all attemps to seduce him back to laying Zzzzzzz's. Then last night he woke at about 9pm and refused to take anymore shut eye until a little after 1am, following it up with his usual wake time of 6am.

Of course this isn't a horrenous schedule in baby terms, but when you've gotten pretty used to sleeping through, or one wakeup call (with a very easy settle and back to sleep), it is a shock to the system. Kel and I are holdiong our breath for tonight and may consider converting to a nocturnal life if things continue!

New Favourite Toy

Everybody knows that it doesn't matter what you buy a baby, they'll prefer the most unlikely items... paper a present is wrapped in... the box etc...

Elliott's latest fave toy is something that was around before he was even concieved, is not baby specific, and really needs supervision whenever he starts playing with it... perfect!

It's the vacume cleaner!

It probably has something to do with the fact that:
1) it makes loads of noise (though he has not yet worked out how to plug it in and fire it up... thankfully)
2) Mummy and Daddy use it (yes Daddy too believe it or not)
3) It's not something we've encouraged him to play with

Depite all this, it is only because he is so inamid with this claening device that I can write this blog now (Kel's ducked out to the shops). Perhaps we should be paying the vacume as a child minder??? Anyway, here are some shots of Elliott playing with "his" vacume cleaner. Time will tell if he stays fond of it when the cleaning roster is set???

Friday 18 January 2008

Two for the afternoon

Earlier this week I offered to look after Ben for a little while as Kate had a dentist appointment to go to. It is actually the first time I've ever had two bubs to look after at once.

(Elliott) "Hey Mummy, look at this great toy ... I didn't realise how good it was until Ben wanted it!"

It was really nice to look after Ben and spend more time with him ... he's such a lovely baby. And I think Elliott enjoyed having him over too, although he still has a lot to learn about sharing! Anything Ben wanted Elliott decided he wanted, even his least favourite of toys.

Ben was so good - he didn't cry or whinge or throw one single tanturm the whole time he was here, even when Elliott tried to stop him from cuddling me. He was a little quieter than usual but perked right up again as soon as his Mummy got back. We can't wait to do it again sometime (and perhaps next time it will be for longer than an hour or so!).

"Muuum, Ben's trying to climb on MY coffee table (whinge, whinge)!"

Friday 11 January 2008

At last!! Crawling!!

Well today is certainly a day that will go down in the history of our family as one to remember ... After many, many, many weeks (months!) Elliott crawled! Sure, he's been mobile for some time now (bottom shuffling mostly) but just hasn't been able to get it together to actually crawl and get to where he wants to be. Everyone said "Don't wish for it because it'll be more hard work once he can move about" - but we still wanted him to because he wanted to so badly, and it's one of those special milestones that we didn't want him to miss.

It all started this morning when he was chasing a tub of moisturiser - it got away from him. So he crawled after it! Just like that! Not clumsy crawling, falling about and eventually getting it - real, proper all-fours-in-coordination crawling! As if he'd been doing it for ages! There was no inkling he could do it yesterday! He got the tub and then sat back as if nothing unusual had happened. I don't think he realised what he'd done! After that it seemed that whenever he thought about it he couldn't do it. But by the afternoon he had it down pat and is now crawling everywhere! He even throws in a few new moves now and then, such as stepping with a foot instead of a knee and half crawling, half walking.

What a day. We know now just how much we have to do to baby-proof the house even more ... always leave the back door pulled shut, need more latches for the cupboard doors, the wine needs a new home, the mixing bowls need to be put up higher, the drinks need a new spot off the floor ... but we don't care. We're just so proud that Elliott has finally learnt how to crawl.

So, for the record, here are the top 10 tricks Elliott has up his sleeve...
2. Walking (assisted)
3. Standing (1 hand assisted)
4. Pulling himself up onto things
5. Waving (both hands)
6. Clapping (own hands and other people's)
7. Biting! (with his 5 teeth!)
8. Pretending to be an American Indian (hand over mouth - "Wa, Wa, Wa, Wa...")
9. Feeding himself some things (sometimes) - cheese sticks, toast, sandwiches.
10. Bouncing on his bottom

Monday 7 January 2008

Finger Painting

A few days ago Elliott had his first go at finger painting - what a mess! But what fun too! It was a good job we did it outside. We got some great 'pictures' from Elliott swirling the paint around the paper, including one very large one on brown paper that now has pride of place on the wall in the study.
Elliott's art work hanging out to dry

It all went very well until Elliott decided he'd had enough and wanted to get up - by putting his hands all over me (and paint!). Elliott ended up in the bath for a quick wash down (and so did I).

We'll definitley be doing this again soon. I think it would be good fun to get a few of the boys around to all have a go together - what great art we could have?!

Saturday 5 January 2008

Evel Knievel rides agin!!!

Of course there is nothing Evel, or Knievel about Elliott but when you see the video below you'll see what I mean. We bought a baby-seat and helmet for Elliott yesterday and we got some video of the maiden voyage to share. First a little aside about the seat though...

1) We made sure to ask for a baby-seat that was compatible with disc brakes and were assured the one we were sold would work. I got the box open and started to size it up on the bike and quickly realised they had charged me for a disc-brake bike seat but given me a regular-brake bike seat. Back to Hadley's...

2) We get the right baby-seat home and try it on the bike... the bracket that attaches the baby-seat to the bike near the seat is miles too short! Just no way...

3) Pull baby-seat off bike and retry a number of times with various permutations that get the baby-seat closer to the bike seat... still no way... very disappointed!

4) Bugger it, I'll put it on Kel's bike with regular brakes, that shouldn't matter... but it does. I get it on at the wheel axle but again problems at attaching the baby-seat to the bike near the seat.

5) Finally (4 hrs later), I Jerry-rig something on my bike using some of the fixtures from Kel's bike rack and after a lot of mucking about and fiddling we have bike (mine) with a baby seat (on the down side neither bike now has a bike-rack.. but never mind that).

The moral of that story... pay the $26 and let the experts worry about it.

Anyway, the video of our maiden voyage is below and it was a real hoot! since that we've taken it for a trip down to Jesmond shopping center and back. Elliott loved it for about 90% of the time and the remaining 10% of time he was a little uneasy about the whole experience. It's bit like when we take him swimming, he's just cautious about risky stuff... enter the helmet.

The file is about 5 MB... time for a cuppa if you're on dial-up.

Thursday 3 January 2008

Christmas #3

Christmas number 3 was at Elliott's Nan and Pa's house and was also spent with Aunty Alison, Uncle James, Aunty Nicole, and Uncle Dan. We drove down in the morning and arrived about 9am. The plan had been to leave our house as soon as Elliott got up (usually around 6am) and then have a little breakfast before doing the big present thing... but of course plans are made to be broken and Elliott woke at about 5am (too early to head to the coast), had a bottle and went back to sleep until about 7:30am. So it all kicked off a little later than planned but, of course, no one minded.

This was Elliott's first meeting with a live christmas tree (and the wonderful distinct smell that goes with it). I don't think he noticed it, but in years to come I'm sure he'll develop a fondness for what that smell means. What he did seem to notice was all the beautifully wrapped presents under the tree, and much to his delight a considerable proportion were for him. There was much excitement after opening his new ride-on/walker, trying to work out how to convert the ride-on to a walker. Luckily we had a civil engineer on hand (Uncle Dan) so we narrowly avoided having to consult with the instructions.

Once the excitement in trying to set the walker up had subsided Elliott proceeded to give it a good workoutboth indoors as well as outdoors (off-road). Suffice to say he was pleased with the handling and decided it had better come home with him. You might also notice in some of the action picutres below, Elliott sporting a handsome pair of designer sandal footwear, another present (from his Aunties- Alison and Nicole), these were also a big hit!

After an extended play session with his new toys and gifts, Elliott got in first and had his Christmas dinner, which gave him a chance to test out the new Baby booster seat that his Nan had bought him. As the picture shows, it performed very well and only ended up with a small portion of his lunch spread over it (a portion wa also spread all over Elliott's face with the remainder making it to his tummy). Following his lunch Elliott retired to have a nap, which as mentioned in a previous post coinsided with Christmas dinner for everyone else so again Mummy and Daddy got to eat with everyone at the same time (so considerate)!Lunch was glorious (as always) and we had a great time playing Mum's new innovation of a little post lunch game (with prizes). Aunty Alison's personally selected jokes were also a hit (as were Uncle James' jokes without notice). Eventually our little man must have sensed we were all having fun without him and so he came out to join the party. He immediately got into the spirit of it all and even breifly put on a christmas hat. However, just like his grandad (Paul) he decided that he was not such a fan of the hat idea and trashed it (I suppose it was a little big).

The afternoon was spent relaxing and playing with toys (as you do on Christmas day) and eventually we had to take the dogs for a walk, to work off some of that christmas lunch and make room for dinner (lunch leftovers, Mmmmmmm). Elliott took it upon himself to keep a watchful eye on the dogs (so they didn't run away) and was fixed on them the whole time, occasionally giggling when they wagged their tails.

Another memorable thing about christamas day was that Elliott developed his "Behold the ball" pose, seen below. The ball was a perfect size for his hand and he'd hold it aloft like he was a medievil sorcerer. It probably helped that he got loads of laughs everytime he did it. In this photo you can also see one of the retro toys (accumulated over four childern) Elliott's Nan salvaged from the garage. To be honest, some of these were probaly the biggest hits over christmas, showing the the formula for a good toys has not changed for the last 32 years (and probably much longer). All you need is an interesting shape, a bit of colour and sound. These days the sounds are in the for of hundreds of tunes stored in solid-state, whereas in my day it was just a dial the clicked as you wound it round (showing my age huh). Anyway, Elliott thought the retro toys were great!

That evening, Elliott turned in for the night and the rest of us watched one of Aunty Alison's DVD's she'd recieved as a present (The Holiday). Half way through Elliott woke up with a bit of a cry and so I went in to settle him back down, but when I picked him up the combination of crying, coughing and the blocked up nose he'd picked up over the previous couple of days was just too much and he spewed up all over me (and him). It was by far the biggest he's done and sure did a good job of covering both of us. Mummy came and helped us do the cleanup and bath and then Ellliott just went back to sleep and slept the rest of the night without a peep.

The next day the girls went to check out the boxing day sales, while us boys hung out and played with our toys a little more. Thankfully the weather had improved (it was overcast and a little cold on Christmas day) so we had our first chance to give Elliott a dip in his Nan and Pa's pool! Elliott had a go of the floaty that his Nan bought him and was very impressed with the chance to swim on his own (though Dad was never far). We also showed everyone how brave Elliott was by doing couple of dunks under the water. No crying at all, though Daddy nearly drowned himself on one of the dunks by going under while he was still counting down (typical).

Finally, after kisses and cudles for everyone, we hit the road for our next Cristmas engagement (Ralph and Tricia's Boxing day dinner).