Elliott's Photo Album

Saturday 17 November 2007

Mummy and Daddy's Bed

Elliott, like most babies, is usually a pretty early riser and consequently because mummy and daddy still like their sleep he often jumps in the big bed in the morning (just to ease them into the day). In all honesty it only buys us an extra 5-15 minutes of ... well you wouldn't call it sleep. He can be a little like a cold shower in his capacity to render you abruptly awake. Despite all that, it is lovely to have a little morning family time and occasionally Elliott is happy to hang in bed with us for a little longer and have some playtime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kel + Brett,

Elliott is looking fantastic! Thanks for the recent installment, keeping up with you guys over my lunch break at work is a highlight of my day :)
