Elliott's Photo Album

Saturday 17 November 2007

Fashion Tips With Elliott

Elliott has certainly started developing his ow fashion senses, and we've got the photos to prove it! The one thing that characterises a lot of his looks is a good sensible hat (as you'll see below)

Just checking if Mummy won anything on the scratchy (you can't be too careful, she may have missed something)

Hats with straps are preferable since Elliott, like most little people, like to play the age old game of "take the hat off"

This is a jumper that Mummy bought Elliott for "next winter". Turns out he's grown a little more than we might have expected. It did come in handy though during our recent cold snap.

Everyone likes trying their parents clothes on... don't they? Here Elliott Models Mummies hat and thinks he looks pretty good in it!

Less traditional hats can also be a crowd pleaser. For example, here Elliott wears one of his toys (though you wouldn't tell... would you)

Every morning after the postman has been, Elliott gets to wear any envelopes as hats, which as you can see he really enjoys!

Lastly, this is one of Elliott's many outfits that almost slipped by untouched (due to him continually growing... go figure)! We managed to just get this fine shirt on him before his tummy wouldn't let us button it up anymore.

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