Elliott's Photo Album

Friday 2 November 2007

Daddy's birthday

Well, we're running a little behind schedule but thought we'd better post something about Brett's first birthday as a Daddy! It was on the 25th October ... yep a while ago now!

The day started with Elliott waking us up and giving his Daddy his presents and Elliott playing with the wrapping paper! As you can see Elliott thinks his Daddy rocks!

Unfortunately Kel had to work that day so Brett didn't get to sleep in. Then Nicole came over for a visit which was really nice.

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...

Hey whats going on? Came by to check Kel's B-Day pics and what do I find, someone has been a little coy about their own big day!!! Dude sorry I missed the great event I'll shout an Old next time we're out an about to mark the occasion.

How come you didn't mention your new vest that you are wearing in bed in that pic??? ;0)