Elliott's Photo Album

Thursday 3 April 2008

Happy 1st Birthday to our little boy

Well today was Elliott's first birthday. What a year we've had, too much to reflect on in one post I think. As luck would have it his birthday fell on a Thursday, which is morning with Daddy day, so that was extra special for me. We spent the morning buzzing around town, dropping Mummy off at work and then off to the doctors (Mmmm bit of a bummer to have to go there on your birthday) because Elliott had had a couple of days of high temperature and then broke out in a rash yesterday. He's also been pretty fussy and off his food. So we thought it best to get him checked out, just in case. As we suspected he's just got a virus (one of those childhood ones called Roseola Infantum) it is pretty harmless and should resolve of it's own accord in a couple of days. Importantly we wanted to may sure he wouldn't be infectious at his party on Saturday, the doctor said he'd be fine... phew!

When he got up this morning we did the usual cuddle and snuggle in Mummy and Daddy's bed for a while (yes sleeping has continued to be sooooo much better than ever before). We then got up and gave him his present, an activity table, which was a hit. It is basically a musical thing with lots of dials and buttons to press and pull. He's decided the table doubles pretty well as a walker too, he just pushes it along around the house. Still seems in no hurry to walk on his own (fine by us, there's no rush). Getting back to his day, after the doctors we went and picked up Mummy from work and came home for a nice cuppa (for us) and sit down before it was off to work for me. I might hand over to Kel to say a bit about the afternoon....

... The afternoon was really fun too! Elliott's Grandma and Grandad (Angela and Paul) and Great Grandma and Great Grandad (Ralph and Tricia) came over for cake (or birthday lamington, which, by the way, Elliott didn't like. He had a little easter egg instead). Elliott was very spoiled and got more great presents (a pull along truck/blocks caddy AND his very own baby doll). He loved both! I think he actually thought the baby was real (and why wouldn't he?) - he behaved just like he always does when other kids his age are around (quiet and reserved). I found him later in the afternoon just playing with the doll quietly trying to get it to talk to him!

Although his rash is still around Elliott seems to be feeling much better than the last couple of days, though he's still living on air and yoghurt (and the odd Easter egg treat - thanks everyone!).

All in all, a pretty good birthday. Brett and I were looking at video footage last night from the week he was born - Wow, that was amazing! We're soooooo glad we have that footage. We can imagine looking at it when he's much older - I think it would be so cool to see yourself as a baby! I often wonder what mannerisms I had or how I talked etc... Elliott will be able to watch himself!

1 comment:

mackyton said...

Glad to know about this information on the birthday. Recently, booked one of amazing event venues Chicago for arranging my niece’s birthday party. It was a surprise party and she really enjoyed this party with our family and friends.