Elliott's Photo Album

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Time for an update

As our last post noted Elliott is now 6 months old and that means... da daaaaa... another round of immunisations! He had another two needles today (one in each thigh). This was the first time I couldn't make it to be there for support, just too much work on at the moment plus I've been working from home Thursday mornings and don't want to push things too far. Anyway, mummy reports that Elliott was very brave and wouldn't have cried for much more than 10 seconds, what a trooper! He's got 6 months off now before the next round of jabs and deserves every second of it.

I wonder if his tolerance for discomfort may have adapted a little recently, what with his ear infections, cold, red throat, not to mention the discomfort of mummy and daddy continually squirting horrible tasting medicines into his mouth. Speaking of which, I think the drug companies have a lot to answer for! The fact that they have not been able to develop a more palatable taste for baby medications is just criminal (surely they can come up with something better than 'cherry' flavour - it's STILL gross!). In my view baby panadol is the worst offender. If you feel this way too, write to your local member and see if we can get things moving on this issue.

Yep, we've been giving the old baby medications a bit of a working over this last 2 weeks. Missing from the above photo is a can of Medic spray and a bottle of amoxicillin antibiotic.

Something more positive now, last Monday (of the long weekend) we turned Elliott's car seat around! His first trip was to Nobby's for a walk and the grin on his face when we put him in the car was priceless. Whenever we looked around at him he gave us a big proud smiley grin, however, even with this novelty, he couldn't resist the temptation of a snooze by the time we got to the beach. The pictures below show the view of Elliott we used to have (peaking around at us) and the new view now that his seat has been turned around.

Other recent events of note include:

- Aunty Nicole gave Elliott a new Rubber Ducky. He thinks it's pretty alright (see photo below)
- Elliott has started chasing shadows (while staying still). He does this when he is on the change table, his legs make a shadow on the wall and he constantly tries to get it!
- Elliott still loves blowing raspberries (does it all day long - even tries to do it when he's half asleep!).

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...

Start a petition... I'd sign it! It really does taste awful....