Elliott's Photo Album

Monday 8 October 2007

Time Flies!

The advice is true! If I had a dollar for every time someone told me that kids... and especially babies... grow up fast, I'd be a rich man. But I've now come to accept that the reason people feel compelled to say this is because it is absolutely true!

And flown it has! Here's a little celebration of our Elliott who is now 6 months old! In the same vain as the 3 month movie, it's a string of pictures that span 3-6 months. I have to confess that this time I was not able to include every picture we've taken. After that last effort (at 3 months) we've become fond of the stop motion effect of multiple shots so we've actually taken more photos, and the backing music is a shorter track this time. There are 1361 photos in all (440 more that the first movie). The music is 'Winter Solstice' by the Tea Party, who are a Canadian rock band with blues, progressive rock, Indian and Middle Eastern influences dubbed "Moroccan roll". They split in 2005 but their first two albums 'Splendor Solis' and 'Edges of Twilight' are considered classics in this household. The song title is particularly fitting since this three months were the coldest he's had so far (including some of the coldest days in recent years).

1 comment:

Paul and Beth said...

Great stuff guys as always, you know I thought I even saw that iconic Aussie Superhero Brain Master in there... his sidekick was sadly missing!!! ;0)

catch you soon guys
