Elliott's Photo Album

Friday 28 December 2007

Christmas #2

Christmas #2 was on Sunday when Aunty Alison, Uncle James, Steve, Adel, and Joyce came to celebrate Christmas at our house. We did a BBQ and had some lovely salads to pick at (luckily the weather obliged and we were able to sit out the back and have a couple of beers as the meat cooked). Elliott was asleep when everyone arrived and slept until part way through dinner. He was such a good sleeper though all our Christmases! Kel and I ate together at most of the Christmas meals (not the usual when we go somewhere for a celebratory meal). Elliott wore his Santa's Little Helper T-shirt that his Aunty Lisa and co. gave him and was extremely cute (as usual). He was a very lucky boy and got some wonderful presents, including a Teddy Bear, Truck and Car, Ball, rotating light, and jingle-bells. Everything was a hit, but he particularly likes jingling and jangling the bells! We didn't get many photos (little more tricky when trying to be a good host), the few we got are below, so if anyone else got some please email your favorites and well post then too (Steve and Adel).

Steve, encouraging Elliott to Jangle away
and Adel checking out Elliott's Ball

Mummy taking Elliott's car for a spin... up and down his legs

Elliott showing his Aunty Alison how well he can stand
(still his favorite trick)!

Christmas at Grandma and Grandad's

Kel and Bianca

What a fantastic Christmas we have had ... it's pretty much over now after several Christmas get-togethers. Christmas #1 was at Grandma and Grandad's place at Vacy and was a great day. Elliott was very spoilt by everyone. He especially loved his Glo-worm that his Grandma and Grandad gave him (as you can see below from the great big smooch he gave it!).

Both B (Bianca) and Abi were so good with Elliott (as they always are) making sure he was having a good time and able to open his presents. Abi was particularly helpful and opened just about every present of Elliott's for him! (No, it really was good). She got so carried away that even when she was opening her own presents she thought they were for Elliott (and was happy to give them to him!). Such a generous cousin!

Abi helping Elliott open his presents

Grandad (Paul) liked his present so much he decided to use it straight away...

Grandad doing his own impression of a glo-worm

It was such a great day... the food was beautiful, and everyone was able to be there (at first we didn't think Kimberley (Aunty Bub) would be able to come but she managed to get the day off work). The day finished with Elliott having a bath with B and Abi. It was Elliott's first night sleeping away from home - not the best nights sleep but could have been worse ... if it wasn't for that rooster at 4:30am we might have got more than 4 hours sleep!

Friday 21 December 2007

Some old posts added

Well, no doubt any visitors will have noticed the Blog has lay very dormant for some time now! Hopefully I can get it together and get some news up now that we've entered the holiday season. I've just published a couple of old posts that remained in draft mode for a little too long. I had uploaded the photos some time ago and intended to go back and fill in the details and post them but... a lesson to all Bloggers, don''t think you'll do it tomorrow! Anyhow they appear as posts on 17/11/07 for anyone who'd like a look.

As for what has been going down with Elliott over the last month... well a lot, and I'll try and fill in the gaps with photos over the next week or so. But some of the Biggies include: cutting his top 2 teeth (4 in total now and yet to learn that biting is not the done thing); first big stack... fell from our bed head first and banged up his forehead and chin, but on the bright side it has been amazing how quickly he's healed up (should be at his handsome best for Christmas photos over the next week or so); still swimming like a champion with mummy at the pool, ocean, wherever he gets the chance; no crawling yet, he's pretty good at shuffling backwards on his tummy, great at sitting up, and also loves to pull himself up and stand in front of furniture; eating continues to go up and down (he can be extremely easily distracted and loose interest in the food at times), but all in all things are moving along pretty well, he gets stuck into avocado, cheese stick, custard, vanilla yogurt and much to our surprise he prefers the jar (bland) food over mummy's delights.

Thats it for now, more as it makes it's way from the deep dark crannies of my memory.