Elliott's Photo Album

Thursday 1 January 2009

7 months and counting!

Well this has certainly been the longest drought between posts for us ... 7 months or so! Guess what one of our New Years resolutions is?! It's going to be pretty impossible to recap everything that has happened in that 7 months but here are a few snap shots and the main bits (that we can think of!). There's almost certainly lots more that we have either forgotten or can't think of right now ...

We've had some pretty big renovations happening (and still ongoing) in the past 6 months or so. We now have a fantastic deck out the back (thanks to Brett's family - with Elliott's help, of course). Below is how it looked when it all started, and during. We'll publish more recent photos when we have some.
As you can imagine, Elliott was very keen to be right in amongst all the activity. He loves playing with tools, ear muffs ... and helping any way he can!

Without a doubt, the most stand-out phase of the past 6 months has been Elliott's obsession with mowers and whipper snippers (and for that mater, any garden power tool, including blowers, chainsaws and hedgers). Elliott is so obsessed that he trawls through the junk mail in the hope he will find pictures of a mower or whipper snipper; he wakes up in the morning and often heads straight for his mower; he likes to "visit" Brett's "momo" and "bitta" (mower and whipper snipper) in the shed; he spends hours (literally) each day playing with his momo; and he has found a toy fluffy flower, which he immediately named his "bitta" - this has been in operation for approximately 6 months. Has he started to grow tired of this interest? No way! The obsession is only growing stronger!

Of course, Elliott is also very safety conscious - he likes wearing Brett's ear muffs to mow the lawn. Actually, he likes wearing them very often - in the car (on the way to Stockton - you can never be too careful), playing with other toys (such as dinosaurs - they can be quite dangerous, you know) or just walking around.

Some other little bits and pieces from the past several months - Elliott has ...
  • started running
  • feeding himself
  • had 4 haircuts ... he has grown a very thick head of hair!
  • grown out of 2 more pairs of shoes
  • been using 3 or 4 word sentences
  • learnt that "the corner" is not a fun place to be when he has done something naughty
  • Grown lots! He is now about 88cm tall
  • started to try to jump (very funny!)
  • turned into a very dare-devillish little boy! Likes to jump off very high places!
  • discovered that sleep can actually be a good thing - no more night time waking for many months now - Yippee!!
  • developed a taste for camembert cheese; still has not developed a taste for vegies
  • become more cuddly - he gives lots of cuddles and kisses, especially when the mower is on!
  • many favourite toys (apart from momo and bitta) - cars, trucks, baby doll, sand pit...
  • Elliott really loves being around other kids, including his cousinds B and Abi...
There's loads more to add but we'll get around to that at another date - perhaps in August sometime!

Tuesday 20 May 2008

B's 6th Birthday Bash

Last weekend we headed off to the big smoke for B's 6th birthday party. She had decided she would like to have a pool party (perhaps because she had so much fun at Elliott's pool party?!). We arrived at Lisa, James, Bianca and Abi's place on Saturday morning, just in time to have a quick cuppa, before heading off to the pool.

The girls were sure happy to see Elliott (and he was happy to see them too). There is never a shortage of hugs and kisses when the three of them are together.
Elliott borrowed Abi's swimming vest ... looks like he wasn't impressed by being dressed in pink

At the pool Elliott was quickly out-numbered by 5 and 6 year old girls (lucky him!). The girls all went off for their party swim (and obviously had so much fun that we didn't get to take any photos of B in the pool!!). Elliott, Abi, James, Kel and Brett also had a swim in the (very fun) pool ... whirlpools, duck and lobster fountains, waves, you name it, it was there! After a big swim everyone had a party lunch. Elliott very much enjoyed his few chippies (and Fanta, thanks very much James!). Eventually the fun became a little too much for the little man so he and Brett went for a walk and watched some Badminton ... which Elliott loved! Couldn't take his eyes off the game!
That evening we all went out for a nice meal (thanks James) and Aunty Bub (aka Kimberley) joined us, which was lovely. Again, we have no photos of this, which is a real shame. After a very big day Elliott went off to sleep without any dramas (but did wake up the house at 4:00am ). This would have been a bit of a bummer for everyone else, but actually quite nice for us as Elliott came into our bed and for the first time ever fell back to sleep with us until 7am... good boy!

Thanks for inviting us to your party B, we had a really fun time!

Peekaboo 2

You may remember a while ago that one of Elliott's favourite games was "Peekaboo" under the blanket/ wrap (people may also remember a video of Brett playing this game with Elliott!). Well, he may have graduated from the wrap but Elliott is still a big fan of "Peekaboo". Nowadays he hides behind a chair, or behind your back while you're sitting on the floor, and peeks out with a "Surprise!!" look on his face. He loves it!